During an ECV, one or two obstetricians (pregnancy specialists) try to turn your baby to a head-down position in your uterus. This is the best position for your baby to be in for birth and increases your chance of having a vaginal birth.
An ECV is done in hospital so you and your baby can be monitored throughout the procedure. You will have an ultrasound at the start of the procedure to check your baby’s size and position.
One or two obstetricians will push on your belly to encourage your baby to do a forward or backward roll into a head-down position in your uterus. It may make several attempts at lifting and pushing on your belly to try and get your baby to turn over.
You will feel a lot of pressure during this procedure and it can be an uncomfortable or painful . You can ask them to stop the procedure at any time. Despite any discomfort you may feel, the ECV procedure is safe and does not hurt your baby.
Once the procedure is done, you will have another ultrasound to check your baby’s position. You and your baby will be monitored for a short while to make sure you are both well before you go home.