As of March 1, 2025, the Osteofit and Get Up & Go! Instructor training programs are now being managed by BC Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA).
Osteofit is a certified, evidence-based, training program for instructors and facilitators working with older adults who may be frail, have osteoporosis, low bone density or who are at risk of fractures and falls. Osteofit aims to provide safe and gentle exercises for individuals with minimal previous exercise experience.
- Exercise is a proven effective treatment option for people with osteoporosis in combination with medication and nutrition.
- Exercise can modify some fall risk factors and thus reduce falls in older adults.
- A physically active lifestyle is associated with a reduced risk of osteoporotic fracture.
Osteofit is medically endorsed and based on published research. It was designed by clinical specialists from BC Women’s former Osteoporosis program. Osteofit instructors are specially trained and certified by the BC Recreation and Parks Association.
Contact your local community centre to find out if Osteofit classes are being offered in your area.